Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Website and Parenting with an Attitude on ebooks!

Parenting with an Attitude
Now available as an ebook! Buy now on Amazon and Barnes&Noble!

I am writing to let you know that my book, Parenting with an Attitude.... 21 Questions Successful Parents Ask Themselves is now available in electronic form on many great emarket sites, including and Barnes&Noble. Follow this link or click the book above to learn more.

 I want to also let you know about my new and improved web site; same link, new look. But now you will find a lot more content than before. When you go to you will find around 50 articles I have written on a number of subjects such as some very important differences I see between punishment and discipline, and a number of false assumptions many parents I believe make about their role and responsibility as a parent.

You will also find many articles devoted to sharing with you some of my observations I have from my 40 years in private practice. “21 Habits found in Healthy Marriages”, and another series of articles entitled, “Making your Marriage Work, Without Making Work of Your Marriage” are two subjects I hope you will find helpful and of interest. In addition, I will be adding more of my thoughts and ideas on these and other related topics on a regular basis.

Writing for me is the easy part of the process. Marketing what I have written, well that’s another thing. So if you find my book and web site helpful and you think others might too, I would very much appreciate your sending the link to my web site to them.

 I promise no salesman will call, I won’t sell your e mail address and everything you find on my web site is offered free of charge! Thanks for your interest and help. I do appreciate any effort you might be willing to make.

Ed Wimberly, Ph.D.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Introduction to

Is there anything more important in life than the relationship that exists between ourselves and the ones we love? Personally, I don't think so. It is for this reason that I developed
The purpose of my blog is two-fold: to help good parents become better parents, and to encourage married couples to thrive-not just survive-in their relationship. New thoughts and ideas will be added to on a regular basis, and will consist of 6 primary areas regarding marriage and parenting(click on any of the 6 to read a further description):

1. A Monday morning thought for good parents who want to be better parents;

2. guest authors who will be writing articles that relate to either parenting, marriage or some other area of

3. 21 habits of a healthy marriage that I will weigh in on;

4. 14 articles that address what I believe are important differences between punishment and discipline, as well as the differences between parental power and parental authority;

5. "What kids do and say that make us laugh and smile"-an opportunity for you to write in and share funny and touching stories from your observations of kids;

6. periodic excerpts and discussion questions taken directly from my book, Parenting with an Attitude.....21 Questions Successful Parents Ask Themselves.

I hope you will "tune in" from time to time and see what new thoughts and ideas have been added.
Ed Wimberly, Ph.D.

Friday, August 13, 2010

21 Habits of a Healthy Marriage

Habit #9: Treat your spouse as if today were his/her last.
Not too long ago I suggested this notion to a friend and he was not exactly impressed with the wisdom of such an idea. “If I were to act as if today were my wife’s last day on earth”, he retorted, “then I would literally not leave her side”. Fair enough. This is true. But in taking this idea to an extreme, my friend missed the point.

So what is the point of making it a habit to treat your spouse as if today were your last day together? A couple of thoughts come to mind.

First, there is the idea (and I would assume a goal that most of us have) of living in such a way that by the time it is our turn to exit this life, we have accumulated as few regrets as possible. Since to be human is to be hopelessly imperfect, it is inevitable that we all have some regrets we must accept and live with. But our greatest and most painful regrets usually occur as a result of having said or done something to the ones we love the most. Granted, when we are able to apologize or “take back” what we are sorry for and promise to do better next time, we are able to dilute the regret factor and move on with little or no harm; nonetheless, it is inevitable that the regret remains to some degree.

It might at first seem to go without saying that the death or loss of our partner dictates that it is really too late to apologize or to take back any hurtful remark, unfair or abusive behavior, or any other actions we might be sorry for. But it needs to be said, and we all need to be reminded, because it is easy for most of us to forget. When we live as if this were our last day with our spouse, we go a long way in avoiding any regrets we might not be able to deal with and dilute tomorrow.

Secondly, in spite of the fact that it is highly unlikely that today will actually be the last we spend with our spouse, when we keep in mind the remote possibility, it will likely encourage the kind of attitudes and behaviors that are necessary to nourish and grow the kind of relationship that we desire and value. Living as if this were our last day with the one we love and cherish will have a positive impact on how we conduct ourselves in the very relationship that is supposed to be the most important and meaningful one we will have during our lifetime.

So living as if today could possibly be the last with our spouse helps us avoid behaviors and attitudes that lead to regrets, and at the same time motivates us to act in ways which bring about a deeper and more satisfying relationship.
Ed Wimberly, Ph.D. is the author of PARENTING WITH AN ATTITUDE....21 Questions Successful Parents Ask Themselves

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Monday thought for good parents who want to be better parents

#21 “Our love and acceptance must not be used as a tool for persuading our kids to behave or to live up to our expectations”

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Monday morning thought for good parents who want to be better parents

“Our love and acceptance must not be used as a tool for persuading our kids to behave or to live up to our expectations”

Ed Wimberly, author of "Parenting with an Attitude....21 Questions Successful Parents Ask Themselves"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Monday morning thought for good parents who want to be better parents

Monday morning, March 7, 2010

Establishing appropriate boundaries for our kids

“Establishing boundaries within which our kids can then freely function is essential if they are to effectively consider the consequences of their behaviors”.

Ed Wimberly, author of "Parenting with an Attitude....21 Questions Successful Parents Ask Themselves"

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Monday morning thought for good parents who want to be better parents

Giving our kids as many choices as possible

“When we consistently protect our kids from learning through their mistakes and the consequences that may follow, we rob them of independence and self-reliance”.

quote from Parenting with an Attitude....21 Questions Successful